
Cookies policy : Photos souvenir

General approach

The http://photosouvenir.chateauversailles.fr/ website is the property of the Public Establishment of the Palace, the Museum, and the National Estate of Versailles, hereinafter referred to as the EPV. 

Upon visiting http://photosouvenir.chateauversailles.fr/ cookies or other trackers may be stored on the device (computer, tablet, smart-phone etc.) used to access the website, subject to the preferences that you have already set or may set at any time in accordance with this policy.

Certain cookies may be exempt from the collection of your consent, namely:

  • the overall dynamic modification of a site;
  • cookies whose sole purpose is to enable or facilitate electronic communication;
  • cookies that are strictly necessary for the provision of an on-line communication service at the express request of the user.


Why this policy ? 

In the interests of information and transparency, this policy has been drawn up to enable you to find out more about:

  • the origin and purpose of the information that is processed when you browse the site;
  • your rights regarding cookies and other trackers used by the site.


What is a tracker ?  

Cookies, or other similar trackers, are pieces of information deposited on the device of an Internet user by the server of the website visited. Websites use them to send information to the user's browser and allow the browser to send information back to the originating site (e.g., a session ID or language choice).

Only the sender of a cookie can read or modify the information contained in it. Please be informed that upon visiting http://photosouvenir.chateauversailles.fr/ cookies may be installed on your device.

Purposes of cookies

Some trackers are used exclusively for the purpose of enabling or facilitating electronic communication (detecting connection errors, identifying connection points). Others are strictly necessary for the provision of on-line communication services at your express request (screen display preferences, etc.). 

Others are used for the purpose of:

  • Analysing and measuring the number of visitors to the site;
  • Compiling statistics;
  • Improving the usability and interactivity of the site;
  • Allowing sharing on social media.

Which cookies do we use ? 

We use different types of cookies which all have different purposes.

Cookies issued by the EPV

Cookies that are "necessary for the proper functioning of the site”

Technical cookies are the cookies that are necessary for the proper functioning of our site, used by the host for the technical management of the network. They allow you to use the main features of the site. If you disable these cookies,  you will not be able to use the site normally.

These are the following cookies:

Nom du cookie Finalité Données collectées Durée de vie

This cookie records whether or not the user has enabled javascript on their browser.

Session ID Session duration



  13 month
cookie-agreed-version This cookie records the user's consent or non-consent.    13 month

Analytical cookies

The site uses Google Analytics audience analysis software to analyse certain visitor information such as traffic patterns, browser usage, number of visitors, marketing activity and page views. This information helps us to make improvements to the site from a qualitative and quantitative point of view.

The data stored by these cookies can be seen only by the site’s relevant teams or some of its providers, but they do not record any confidential information

Nom du cookie Finalité Données collectées Durée de vie


This cookie is used to generate traffic statistics.


14 month


This cookie is used to generate traffic statistics.


1 day


This cookie is used to generate traffic statistics.


14 month


This cookie is used to generate traffic statistics.


6 month


Cookies issued by third parties

The site allows the "sharing" of content with friends of the user via social media. When the "share” function is used, these social networking websites may send cookies to the user while they are browsing the site. The site has no control over the distribution of these cookies, so we suggest that you consult the websites of these third parties for more information about their cookies.



In accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL, the absence of consent is treated as a refusal. Any inaction or action by the user other than a positive one, i.e., signifying consent by clicking "Accept all" or "Accept" in the cookie management module, is interpreted as a refusal to give consent.

When you visit our site for the first time or after an absence of 13 months, you will be asked to accept or refuse the use of certain cookies.

Cookies used to enable or facilitate electronic communication and cookies that are strictly necessary for the provision of on-line communication services at your express request are not subject to your consent.

If you do not want cookies to be installed or read on your device, a refusal cookie will be deposited on your device, so that the site http://photosouvenir.chateauversailles.fr/ can record your choice to refuse the use of cookies.  If you delete this opt-out cookie, we will no longer be able to identify you as having declined the use of cookies.

Equally, when you accept the use of cookies, a consent cookie is set.

Consent and refusal cookies must remain on your device. You can change your preferences at any time as indicated in the following section entitled "Cookie Management". Your new choice will then be taken into account and will take precedence.

In accordance with the CNIL regulations, your choice (both consent and refusal) will be remembered for 6 months.

Attention: as indicated above, our acknowledgement of your refusal to install a cookie is based on the deposit of a cookie. Therefore, if you disable all cookies on your device or if you change your device, we will no longer know that you have chosen this option.

cookies Management

You have several options for deleting and managing cookies and other trackers. 

Cookie management module

The http://photosouvenir.chateauversailles.fr/ website allows you to choose which cookies you wish to accept and which you wish to reject.

At any time, by clicking on this link: [link coming soon] you will be able to access the module and change your cookie preferences.

Paramétrages du navigateur 

Browser settings

You can delete cookies from your computer, phone, or other device at any time by following the instructions below. For example:

However, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that by setting your browser to refuse cookies, certain features, pages, and areas of the site may be rendered inaccessible, for which we cannot be held responsible.

Opposition platforms

Several professional advertising platforms also offer you the opportunity to refuse or accept cookies used by their member companies. These centralized mechanisms do not block the display of ads, but only prevent the installation of cookies that allow us to tailor ads to your interests.

For example, you can go to www.youronlinechoices.com to prevent the installation of these cookies on your device. This site is offered by digital advertising professionals within the EDAA (European Digital Advertising Alliance) and is managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau.

You can find out which companies are registered with this platform and which offer you the opportunity to refuse or accept the cookies used to adapt the advertisements likely to be displayed on your device to your browsing data: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/fr/controler-ses-cookies/.

This European platform is shared by hundreds of on-line advertising professionals and creates a centralized interface allowing you to express your refusal or acceptance of the cookies that may be used to adapt the advertisements likely to be displayed on your device to your browsing data.

Publisher’s opposition module

You can choose to disable certain third-party cookies by going directly to the sender's page. For example, to disable Google Analytics cookies, go to https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=fr .


Personal data protection

In the context of the use of cookies, the EPV is likely to process your personal data, acting as the data controller.

The data collected is used to achieve several objectives, namely analysing https://www.chateauversailles.fr/ site traffic, compiling statistics, improving the user-friendliness and interactivity of the site and to allow sharing on social media. The data is only intended for the authorized departments of the EPV, its potential subcontractors and the company issuing the third-party cookies, if applicable.

Personal data collected via cookies is never kept longer than necessary to achieve the purpose of the cookie, and in no case longer than 13 months.

With respect to audience measurement trackers that may be exempt from consent, information collected through these trackers may be retained longer than necessary to fulfil the purpose of the cookie.

In accordance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, you have the right to access, query, rectify and delete your personal information, to limit processing, and to formulate specific and general directives concerning the conservation, deletion and communication of post-mortem data concerning you.

Requests to exercise your rights should be made to the EPV:

  • By mail: Etablissement public du château, du musée et du domaine national de Versailles 
    Direction de la communication 
    RP834 – 78000 Versailles
  • By e-mail: donneespersonnelles@chateauversailles.fr

The person exercising his rights must prove their identity by any means.
You also have the right to file a complaint with the CNIL.

To find out more… 

For more information on cookies, you can consult the CNIL (Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés) website: https://www.cnil.fr/

Namely the following pages:

Additional Resources


cookie policy for other sites