
The Public Establishment

Our missions

Since 1995, the Palace, Museum and National Estate of Versailles have, collectively, been a public establishment of an administrative nature, with administrative and financial autonomy. It is under the supervision of the French Ministry of Culture and Ministry of the Budget.

The Establishment comprises the Palaces of Versailles and Trianon, the historic Estate of Marly, the gardens and park, the Royal Tennis Court, Gallery of Coaches and Gallery of Sculptures and Mouldings. It is headed up by Catherine Pégard, the President of the Public Establishment.

The annual consolidated budget of the Public Establishment is around €100 million. Operating expenses are covered from the Establishment’s own resources, notably the revenue it earns from ticket sales and its commercial activities. Investment spending is financed in part by an annual State grant, with the remainder covered by the Establishment’s own self-financing efforts. All profits are reinvested in the running and upkeep of the Palace and its estate.

Château de Versailles Shows, which stages operatic events and the fountains shows, is a subsidiary of the Establishment.

In addition, the Establishment is a founder member of the Palace of Versailles Research Centre, which is now a Public Interest Group.

The Establishment also participates to the Services Publics+  programme, which aims to improve the reception and experience of users of public services through nine commitments.

Annual reports and eco-responsible public services annual review

Annual reports

Eco-responsible public services annual review

In addition to the annual report, the Public Establishment of the Palace, Museum and National Estate of Versailles publishes an annual review of its performance in relation to the 20 practical measures set by the State to be implemented by eco-responsible public services:

Engaged in an eco-responsible approach for several years, the Palace of Versailles presents reports on the implementation of sustainable development policy within its estate and the Marly estate.

The Palace of Versailles as an actor in sustainable development

Decisions of the Executive Board

Management and signing authorities

President of the Public Establishment
Christophe Leribault

Director of the National Museum
Laurent Salomé

Executive Officer of the Public Establishment
Pierre-Emmanuel Lecerf 

Deputy Executive Officer of the Public Establishment
Louis-Samuel Berger

Public Establishment Decision no. 2023-4 with delegated power of signature

Public Establishment Decision designating the person responsible for access to administrative documents and issues relating to the re-use of public information

Public Establishment Decision no. 2019-6 with delegated power of signature

Public Establishment Decision no. 2018-2 with delegated power of signature

Public Establishment Decision no. 2017-3 with delegated power of signature

Public Establishment Decision no. 2017-1 with delegated power of signature

Public Establishment Decision no. 2015-3 with delegated power of signature

Public Establishment Decision no. 2012-1 with delegated power of signature

Organisational chart

Consult the organisational chart of the Establishment

Executive Board

Articles 11 and 14 of the Decree of 11 November 2010 relative to the Public Establishment of the Palace, Museum and National Estate of Versailles stipulate the composition of the Executive Board.

As at 30 June 2020, the Executive Board comprised the following members:

Voting members

  • Christophe LERIBAULT, President of the Public Establishment
  • Luc ALLAIRE, Secretary-General of the French Ministry of Culture
  • Jean-François HÉBERT, Director-General of Heritage and Architecture, French Ministry of Culture
  • Pierre-Yves PLATZ, representing the Director of Budgets, French Ministry of the Economy and Finance
  • Jean-Jacques BROT, Prefect of the department of Yvelines
  • Catherine de SALINS, State Councillor
  • Catherine HIRSCH, Chief Advisor to the French Court of Auditors
  • Gérald HARLIN, Qualified Person, Deputy Director-General of the AXA Group
  • Jean de LOISY, Qualified Person, Director of the School of Fine Arts of Paris
  • Colleen RITZAU LETH, Qualified Person, Consultant at the Royal Academy of Arts 
  • Lan YAN, Qualified Person, Head of Greater China Investment Banking, Lazard
  • Cécile ULLMANN, General Curator of Heritage, member of the Heritage Inspectorate (College of Historical Monuments)
  • Elisabeth MAISONNIER, Chief Curator of Heritage at the National Museum of the Palaces of Versailles and Trianon
  • Virginie SOYER, CGT-Culture trade union
  • Laurence PICOULEAU, SUD-Culture Solidaires trade union
  • François de MAZIÈRES, Mayor of Versailles

Members serving in an advisory capacity

  • Laurent SALOMÉ, Director of the National Museum of the Palaces of Versailles and Trianon
  • Louis-Samuel BERGER, Executive Officer of the Public Establishment
  • Eric le CLERCQ de LANNOY, Ministerial Budgets and Accounts Controller, French Ministry of Culture
  • Jean-Noël PINEAU, Accounting Officer of the Public Establishment
  • Jérôme PLOUSEAU, President of the Friends of Versailles

Acquisitions Committee

Article 5 of the Decree of 11 November 2010 relative to the Public Establishment of the Palace, Museum and National Estate of Versailles provides for an acquisitions committee:

As at 13 February 2025, the Acquisitions Committee comprised the following members:

As Chairman:

  • Laurent SALOMÉ, President of the Acquisitions Committee, Director of the National Museum of the Palaces of Versailles and Trianon

Representative of the Service des Musées de France: 

  • Vincent DROGUET, Sub-directorate of the collections

Qualified personalities: 

  • Muriel BARBIER, Director of heritage and collections at the Château de Fontainebleau (qualified personality - national museum director)
  • Stéphanie DESCHAMPS-TAN, Chief Curator, Department of Sculpture - 19th-century Europe collection, Louvre Museum (qualified personality)
  • Olivier GABET, General Curator, Director of the art objects department, Louvre Museum (qualified personality - head of a major department)
  • Matthieu GILLES, Head of the painting sector in the restoration department at C2RMF (qualified personality)
  • Gérald HARLIN, Collector (qualified personality)
  • Salima HELLAL, Chief Curator in charge of the art objects, Lyon Museum of Fine Arts (qualified member)
  • Jérôme PLOUSEAU, President of the Friends of Versailles (qualified representative of associations)
  • Juliette TREY, Interim Director of the Studies and Research Department at INHA (qualified personality)

Elected curators:

  • Benoît DELCOURTE, Chief Curator of Heritage
  • Elisabeth MAISONNIER, Chief Curator of Heritage