
Support Versailles

Patronage plays an essential role in promoting the palace of Versailles. It extends to all areas of activity, allowing an alliance of generosities and passions that grows from year to year. Whatever the amount of your support, there will always be a project within your reach.

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Constance Louvet, Head of the Patronage and International Relations Office

Daria Teplova, Patronage and International relations Officer

+ 33 (0) 1 30 83 77 40

Patronage, to accompany those who make Versailles alive 

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Support Versailles

Make a donation to help the Palace of Versailles cope with a fragile economic context.

I support Versailles

Adopt a topiary of the South Parterre

Adopt a topiary of the South Parterre in order to preserve the green heritage of the Palace of Versailles.

I adopt a topiary

Refurnish the royal apartments

Make an online donation to participate in the acquisition and restoration of the furniture and works of art that give the Palace its unique atmosphere, both lavish and full of life.

I support Versailles

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Adopt a topiary of the South Parterre

Adopt a topiary of the beautiful South Parterre in order to support the green heritage of the Palace of Versailles.

Adopt a bust

Let's bring the ancient faces of the Marble Courtyard back to life.


Participate in the refurnishing of the Royal Apartments

Make an online donation to participate in the acquisition and restoration of the furniture and works of art that give the Palace its unique atmosphere, bth lavish and full of life.

The history of patronage at Versailles

The history of patronage

As a longstanding tradition, patronage has helped Versailles shine worldwide. This movement still goes on today, in various areas of activity, and grows from year to year.

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