The association
Today this association regroups 35 institutions in charge of managing over 100 palaces located in 15 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom...). Bearing witness to the history and identity of Europe, European Royal Residences are complex and multifaceted places of prestige: originally places of power and representation, they are now museums, open to the public, offering an extremely varied cultural programme. This range of activities connecting the past to the present raises some specific issues.
General Assembly 2024, Milan
The activities
The Network of European Royal Residences is primarily a tool at the service of European palace-museum staff and experts, enabling them to meet and share their experience in the preservation, management and promotion of the rich cultural heritage in their care. As they come together around various large and smallscale joint projects, through technical meetings or the organisation of common cultural programmes and mobility grants, this network, unique in Europe, aims to improve the management and conservation of European Royal Residences that receive more than 42 million visitors every year and promote them across the world.
See the latest activity report
Technical meeting - Water Engineering and Conservation in Royal Garden, May 13-14, 2024 La Granja de San Ildefonso, Patrimonio Nacional, Spain
The association's headquarters
The headquarters of the Association are at the Château de Versailles, the founding member who holds the Presidency. A European board is elected every three years in order to ensure a good geographical representation of all members. The official languages of the Association are French and English.