The Mercury salon The King's ceremonial bedchamber

État des lieux collection

Le salon de Mercure


directed by Pierre-Xavier Hans
with Artlys' éditions, 2015, « Versailles. État des lieux » collection
24 x 22 cm, 144 p., 25,00 € TTC 
ISBN 978-2-85495-590-3

bilingual book  french – english

The Mercury Salon in the King’s Grand Apartment in the Chateau of Versailles was Louis XIV’s ceremonial chamber. The greatest painters and sculptors of the age contributed to its magnificent décor. Restora­tion and refurnishing took place in 2011 and 2012, and a team of talented craftsmen and women toiled painstakingly to restore its former luster. This work traces the history of the salon and looks at the meticulous work involved in the restoration project, while revealing some of the secrets of the creation of Versailles’ grandeur.


Contents : 

Salon and function
The history of the salon
The history of the interior decor
History of the furnishings and decor since 1673
Furnishing the Mercury salon
The Mercury salon in the 19th century
Refurnishing the salon in the 20th century
Restoration and refurnishing 2010-2012
Restoring the salon
Refurnishing : our doctrine, interior decor and furnishings