Le petit Quizz Marie-Antoinette


Grégoire Thonnat
with editions Pierre de Taillac, 2018
12,75 x 8,5 cm, 128 p., 6,90 € TTC
ISBN : 9 782 36445 098 1

available in french and english

Was Marie-Antoinette a beautiful woman? How many outfits did she wear every day? Do you know who Axel de Fersen was? Did the sovereign have political influence? What were her final words?
Through 80 questions & answers, this little book will help you (re)discover the fascinating story – and tragic fate – of the most famous Queen of France.

Contents :

Questions and answers about Marie-Antoinette
Marie-Antoinette timeline
8 key figures in Marie-Antoinette's life
10 books and films to delve deeper into the subject
The Palace of Versailles
In the same collection and by the same author