Le Petit Quizz Versailles 100 questions and answers about the Palace of Versailles


Grégoire Thonnat
with editions Pierre de Taillac, 2015
12,75 x 8,5 cm, 152 p., 6.90 € TTC
ISBN 978-2-36445-056-1

available in english and french

With 100 Q&As, this little book will make you (re)discover the fascinating history of the Château de Versailles, its illustrious tenants, the historical events that took place there...and the most amazing anecdotes !

Contents : 

100 Q&As about Versailles
Versailles : a short timeline
10 people who made Versailles
10 things we owe to Versailles
10 books and films to learn more about Versailles
The Palace of Versailles