Horse in majesty At the heart of a civilisation

Exhibition album


Hélène Delalex & Laurent Salomé
with editions Liénart, 2024
22 x 28 cm, 56 p., 10 € TTC
ISBN 978-2-35906-451-3

Parution juin 2024

Available in french and english


The album Cheval en majesté. At the heart of a civilisation, retraces in images the itinerary of this spectacular exhibition, the first of such magnitude dedicated to the horse. It features a selection of the major works, illuminated by short texts.

An evocation that resonates with the equestrian events of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.


By the mysterious union of strength and docility, of bravery and fright, of resistance and speed, by the elegance of its proportions and gaits, by its singular soul and strange percep­tion of human emotions, and by its exceptional usefulness, the horse has always held a privileged status: it is man's second, accompanying him in his conquest of the world.