The Palace
The estate of Trianon
The Gardens
The Royal Tennis Court
Guided tours
Guided tour - The King's Private Apartments
Beyond the walls and ceremonial life of the State Apartment, was the Kings’ Private Apartment.
Guided tours are free for children under 10 years old.
The reduced rate is 7 €. Consult conditions for free admission.
Estate of Trianon ticket
This ticket gives you access to the estate of Trianon.
Full price: €12
The reduced rate: €8 to eligible persons.
Free admission : consult all free admission.
Buy"1 year in Versailles" card
During a year, enjoy unlimited access to the whole estate of Versailles, skip the line access to the Palace and benefit from discounts.
Palace ticket
This ticket gives you access to the Palace.
Full price: €21
Reduced rate: €13 to the eligible persons.
Free admission: consult all free admission.
This ticket gives access to the whole estate of Versailles.
Passport + Gourmet Break
This ticket gives access to the whole of the Estate of Versailles and a lunch at the restaurant la Petite Venise.
Rates valid until 31 March
Package valid for 2 adults.
The additional fee per child under 11 is €12.
BuyLate opening Palace and Guillaume Bresson exhibition
Enjoy an exceptional late opening to discover the exhibition dedicated to Guillaume Bresson, leading light of French figurative painting.
Full Price: €21
Free for the following visitors upon presentation of proof of eligibility:
- Under 18s and under 26s who live in the EU
- Holders of a “Year in Versailles” card
- Holders of a “Paris Museum Pass”
- Disabled visitors and one accompanying person
- Teachers with a “Pass Education”
- Jobseekers who live in France