
Pascal Faucheux

The craft of roofing is a demanding occupation that requires a lot of know-how. Roofers are essential building specialists who intervene in roof work, particularly removing, restoring, constructing and insulating roofs. One of their main responsibilities consists in providing lasting protection of the building against bad weather.

  • They must be agile and not afraid of heights
  • They must acquire dexterity, combining strength and precision

About ten roofers are working on the site. For most of them, working on top of such an imposing historic monument is a big first. Here they do not ply their trade in the same way as on the roof of an ordinary house. The size of the works lends a colossal dimension to the work of the artisans. Positioning the lead adornments is a particular feature of the Royal Chapel, which requires them to have acquired specific know-how.


Roofers undertake different missions, such as removing the roof, laying a wooden framework and slates, constructing gutters to receive runoff rainwater and restoring dormer windows. The tasks are thus diverse and varied, but all share the goal of waterproofing the edifice.


Above all, the craft of roofing requires good physical resistance because they have to be permanently active outdoors, whatever the weather conditions. The necessary requirements for the craft of roofing are an absolute respect for safety, caution, meticulousness and concentration, and a perfect knowledge of the materials.


Stone sculpture restorer

Episode VI - Restoration of sculptures

"We have to adapt to all sorts of sites."

"We have a team of 18 to cover both sides of the roof. There's a lot of work."

— Pascal Faucheux, site manager