Plan your visit (group)

How far in advance can I book a visit?

On which public holidays is Versailles open to the public?

How to add to your visit

What are the health precautions in place for visiting the Palace of Versailles in perfect safety?

How do I book a visit with my class ?

How can I get the most out of my visit ?

Can I bring my class without booking ?

How should I pay for my booking ?

How do I access the teachers’ online ticket office and make a booking ?

Can I visit the Palace before bringing my group ?

Can my group eat on site ?

My group includes a disabled individual. What should I do to prepare for their visit ?

What is the maximum permitted group size ?

How can I cancel or change my booking ?

How can I introduce children to the Palace of Versailles? Are there any games booklets I could do with them?

What if you didn't find your answer ?

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